About me

My story is unique, or so I think.

I could start of by saying I had a sad childhood. I was teased a lot being the youngest of the 3 children. At age 7 my mother sent me off to live with my Aunt and my Grandmother in another province. I saw my family maybe once a year during the summer holidays for 2 months. I lived away from my parents and older siblings for 8 years. I envied my siblings for staying with my parents and would write angry letters to my mom for being uncaring and mean. As I child, I dreamed of gathering enough courage to pack my bag and take the train to my parents hometown. My Aunt was very strict and everything had to be done exactly the way she wanted it. I had assigned chores that had to be done daily and weekly. I had no friends growing up. The only entertain I had was the few television programs that came on certain days. School was fun but not always as my Aunt was the teacher in the same school and would always hear complaints about me being too talkative. I longed to be home with my parents and siblings.

Now I have rewritten my story.

Yes I was away from my parents for 8 years. I did live with my Aunt and Grandmother. Was my Aunt strict? That can be left for speculation. Yes my Aunt was particular and so I learnt a lot from her during my time with her. I learned to be organized, neat and particular like her. There weren’t any children my age in the neighbourhood, and so I did not have any friends. Yes the television was the only source of entertain at that time - there were no cell phones or this thing called Social Media and even if this existed, my Aunt would not have allowed it. In hind-sight that would have been fine too for my mental and cognitive growth. In my spare time I entertained myself by learning to knit, read, play and dance. I was happy being alone, as I would day dream, play make belief and make up stories (that got me in trouble) LOL!

Why I am telling you these two versions of my story?

Our mind is powerful and believes all that we feed it. If I had continued telling the first story, I would have ended up being a resentful, bitter, close minded person.

I could be full of hate or full of gratitude with the way my childhood evolved.

The second story has more facts that we can ascertain. Looking back, although I missed my mother, I knew deep within me that she loved me dearly. I knew and accepted her reasons for sending me away. I see it as a blessing. My relationship especially with my mother is beautiful and I cherish every moment I get to spend with her and treasure those memories in her absence.

A child’s relationship, especially with parents is crucial in the formative years as it shapes a young mind and establishes their future relationships. It is important to understand our own behaviours as parents and be the adult our children need, rather than forcing our children to become adults while we play the role of being a victim, or egocentric or controlling or miserable parents.

I am not perfect and I accept that about myself. I have gained much more understanding about myself through life coaching and I am here to guide you through the conundrums in your mind.

I am just a call away!